From the course: Implementing Supply Chain Management

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Collaborate externally

Collaborate externally

- Competition doesn't just occur between companies, competition occurs between supply chains too. Where you really start to get benefits from supply chain management is when you begin to collaborate with your customers and suppliers. That's why the fourth step in the new supply chain agenda is to collaborate externally. So let's look at how external collaboration can help you streamline processes and eliminate waste throughout your supply chain. One of the amazing things that you discover in a supply chain is how small changes in one place can have big impacts in another. And when you can have candid conversations, it's common to find lots of things that your customers and your suppliers are doing that are causing you to be less efficient than you could be, and vice versa. For example, let's say that you buy packaging materials from a supplier on the other side of town. It's critical for your business that you always…
