From the course: Implementing Supply Chain Management

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From the course: Implementing Supply Chain Management

Continue growing as a supply chain management professional

- I love working in supply chain management because you have to understand how all of the processes hinge on one another to create value for a customer. So keeping all of the people, processes and technology aligned can be both challenging and rewarding, especially when you work in an industry that's changing quickly. So what should you do next? Well, there are a lot more courses on this site that can help you and help your team develop the skills that you need to manage a supply chain effectively. From project management to data analytics, these courses are designed to be an easy way to build your capabilities. You can get involved in professional organizations that will help you build your network and learn from your colleagues. Attending conferences, exhibitions and trade shows is a great way to meet new suppliers and to stay current with emerging technologies. And engaging on social media can help too. If you're…
