From the course: Implementing Supply Chain Management

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From the course: Implementing Supply Chain Management

Get the right people in the right positions

- One of my favorite books about implementing supply chain management is called "The New Supply Chain Agenda." The book draws on research done by the University of Tennessee that shows the benefits that supply chain management can produce. The authors mapped out five main steps that companies need to follow in order to implement supply chain management successfully, and they call these the Supply Chain Agenda. Let's look at what's involved in taking the first step in the Supply Chain Agenda, which is to make sure that you've got the right people in the right positions to make the change. Preparing the people in your organization starts with training and education. You can use online resources like this one to help people understand what supply chain management is and how it will affect their jobs. There are lots of introductory books, including the one that I wrote, "Supply Chain Management for Dummies." You can also…
