From the course: Implementing Supply Chain Management

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Internet and data trends

Internet and data trends

- Now let's look at five important information technology capabilities that are supercharging supply chains. The internet of things, customer profiling, big data, cloud computing, and analytics. When the internet was created, it was just a way for computers to talk with one another. But these days, we've managed to turn all sorts of things into computers, and we've connected them to the internet. For example, in the old days a watch was a mechanical device. Today, most watches are computers, and many of them can send data over the internet. In other words, watches are now internet of things devices, or IoT for short. This same trend is occurring throughout the supply chain, where common equipment like conveyors, pallet, and semi-trailers are being outfitted with devices that connect them to the internet. Connecting these things to the internet gives us more control over what's happening in our supply chain. At the…
