From the course: Implementing Supply Chain Management

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Make products and services

Make products and services

- When you talk about making something, we all tend to focus on manufacturing companies, but non-manufacturing businesses make things, too. For example, retail stores make product displays, restaurants make meals, and service companies make experiences. And no matter what you're making, you have to understand the process in order to manage it well. In the SCOR model, Make is the third top-level process. So let's look at the role that making products or services plays in your supply chain. Any time we make a product or service, we also have to make a lot of decisions. For example, we decide what to make, how much to make, how to make it, and when to make it. I call this operations management, but some people call it production management, or production planning and control. Operations managers are responsible for many of your company's assets, and their performance is measured by the amount of stuff they're able to…
