From the course: Implementing Supply Chain Management

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Return products

Return products

- People are sometimes surprised when they discover that supply chains don't end when your products get delivered to a customer. There are lots of situations where you need to take a product back because your customer doesn't want or need it anymore. How you design and manage your reverse supply chain can have a big impact on your relationship with your customers and on the profitability of your business. Let's look at those return processes and exactly what makes them so challenging and so important for your supply chain. Let me set the stage for talking about reverse supply chains by sharing a personal story. I love doing projects around the house, and I hate being in the middle of a project and running out of paint or hardware, so when I go to the store, I buy all of the materials I think I need and then I get a little bit extra. When the project is done, I end up with perfectly good materials left over, and I…
