From the course: Implementing Supply Chain Management

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Select the right technologies

Select the right technologies

- The second step in implementing a supply chain agenda is to select the right technologies for your supply chain. So let's look at how you can create a technology roadmap that aligns with your supply chain strategy. I tend to think of supply chains in terms of people, processes and technologies, and one of the challenges when implementing supply chain management is to keep all of them aligned as you make changes. As companies grow and improve, their supply chain processes go from being ad hoc to standardized to mature. You can plan this journey using a tool called a capability maturity model. Once you have a plan for how your processes are going to mature, then you can decide which technologies you need to have in place for each step in the journey. This becomes your technology roadmap. Your roadmap helps to illustrate when and why you need to make technology investments in order to implement improvements to your…
