From the course: Implementing Supply Chain Management

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Supply chain innovation

Supply chain innovation

- The key to making improvements in any supply chain is innovation, because that's how we find new and better ways to create value. But innovation comes in two different forms: sustaining innovation and disruptive innovation. So let's look at these two different approaches and then dig into some tools that will help you use innovation in your supply chain. The distinction between sustaining and disruptive innovation, comes from Harvard Professor Clayton Christensen's book called, "The Innovators Dilemma". Sustaining innovations are improvements to an existing product, process, or service. They're changes that make something work better, faster or cheaper. Sustaining innovations are the way that companies compete against one another most of the time. For example, the companies that make cell phones are in a constant battle to make their phones a little faster or to make the resolution a little better. But disruptive…
