From the course: Implementing the Metaverse

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Data collection on the metaverse

Data collection on the metaverse

From the course: Implementing the Metaverse

Data collection on the metaverse

- As you embark on the metaverse and start using it for different purposes within your business, you will most likely end up collecting data. In fact, data collection should be a major target and goal for your business. This data is obviously consented data collection, and could be comprising of personal information such as names, email addresses, or even financial data such as credit card information. A major challenge with collecting data is managing it. Data collected from the metaverse is similar to the data collected off the metaverse, but may differ in some aspects. It all depends on what data you deem to be useful for collection. Here are some recommendations for data collection on the metaverse. Number one, create a data collection policy that your customers are aware of. Second, inform your customers on how their information will and will not be used or shared. Number three, ensure that you have the right legal…
