From the course: Implementing the Metaverse

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Developing a metaverse road map

Developing a metaverse road map

From the course: Implementing the Metaverse

Developing a metaverse road map

- Making the metaverse part of your organization's growth and strategy is a major undertaking. It is as important and massive as deciding to enter a new market or launching an entire new line of products for a brand new demographic. Although the metaverse, at the end of the day, is a channel where you can approach and reach a very specific target audience, and it may not be suitable for everyone, the metaverse can form an important part in your overall strategy. One of the reasons for this is that currently, the metaverse is at a very initial stage of its evolution and growth. Big and small tech companies all alike are working on creating something that can create value on the metaverse. This includes a collaboration of gaming companies and metaverse ecosystem companies who are creating new metaverse worlds where brands can come together and power things such as metaverse-based fashion industry, metaverse-based retail and…
