From the course: Implementing the Metaverse

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Implementing the metaverse software layer

Implementing the metaverse software layer

From the course: Implementing the Metaverse

Implementing the metaverse software layer

- The way the metaverse is evolving, we will definitely end up having public and private metaverse worlds. This means that today, you can be part of a public metaverse, where other participants can freely join, or you may be able to create your own metaverse world or platform based on existing metaverse technologies and make it available to specific people who have the access rights. This means that the metaverse may end up becoming something that your organization hosts on-premise or on-cloud. You may even have to manage the complexities, such as incorporating cryptocurrency wallets, interoperability, connecting two different wallet platforms, or even building digital product marketplaces. In this course, there's one thing that I have constantly reinforced, and that is that we are at an early stage of the evolution of the metaverse, and this means there are many changes still to occur in the future. When we think about…
