From the course: Implementing the Metaverse

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Metaverse for comms

Metaverse for comms

- Every organization has communication objectives. These vary from public relations, stakeholder communications, marketing communications, brand communications to other types of communications. Communications are spread over a number of business areas. How do you use the metaverse as a communications channel and what are the organizational challenges for enabling communications over the metaverse? Here are some additional thoughts. What is the process of information dissemination? Who are your stakeholders? What do you need to communicate? What is your communications plan? How do you measure communication's effectiveness on the metaverse? Let's say your head of communications comes to you and says that her team has approached her and they want to use the metaverse as a tool and channel for communications. Their needs are that they want to be able to use the metaverse as a tool for reaching stakeholders, promoting the…
