From the course: Implementing the Metaverse

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Metaverse for sales

Metaverse for sales

- Selling on the metaverse is undoubtedly going to need some new skills, especially for your sales team and customer facing personnel. Selling is the task of building relationships and while many types of sales depend on the type of product you're selling, not all products are sold by a direct sales team but some do require a personal touch. For the most part, let's agree that digital products do not need much direct sales manship although the conversation is very different if you're selling high ticket items such as an entire ERP system, but for smaller products you create great assets such as informative landing pages, videos, and other resources that help customers decide if the product is a great fit for them or not. Here are some thoughts to consider, how does your organization start selling on the Metaverse and what are the considerations of enabling a sales presence? Do traditional sales rule still apply on how…
