From the course: Implementing the Metaverse

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Preventing harassment and abuse in the metaverse

Preventing harassment and abuse in the metaverse

From the course: Implementing the Metaverse

Preventing harassment and abuse in the metaverse

- As your organization heads into the metaverse, there are likely to be some hurdles that need to be crossed. In the last few years of the growth within the metaverse domain, there have been some incidents where people have been threatened, their avatars have been sexually assaulted, and others such incidents have taken place. This doesn't mean that the metaverse is entirely unsafe but it really means that we need to know what we're doing to keep everyone safe. Preventing harassment and abuse on the metaverse has to be a top priority for everyone who's engaged on the metaverse. As a matter of policy, your organization should do whatever it can do to make sure that your teams, employees, and stakeholders feel completely safe on the metaverse. Whether they are visiting your virtual reality office or they are part of a meeting, or some other form of engagement is taking place, delivering experiences that are safe for…
