From the course: Implementing the Metaverse

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Who benefits from the metaverse?

Who benefits from the metaverse?

From the course: Implementing the Metaverse

Who benefits from the metaverse?

- Now that the metaverse is here, the question is who really benefits from it? Well, it's quite obvious that people and users who use the metaverse form the biggest pool of people who would directly gain value. Typical activities that users are engaging on the metaverse are playing a game, meeting friends, learning something, selling something or creating something. I guess you could call these the primary beneficiaries of the metaverse and the people who directly benefit from the metaverse. There are also other groups, secondary and territory audiences who may not be users on the metaverse, and they may never even log into the metaverse, but they will still benefit from it. Here's what I mean. Imagine you are someone who wants to be able to sell a product on the metaverse, a physical product for the sake of argument. Let's say you went to Peru and you saw these amazing handmade jewelry items that you now want to…
