From the course: Improve Communication Using Lean Thinking

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Communicating vertically and horizontally

Communicating vertically and horizontally

From the course: Improve Communication Using Lean Thinking

Communicating vertically and horizontally

- If one-on-one communication has its challenges, imagine what might happen in a large organization, a supply chain, or a project where people from many areas have to participate, especially when participants are dispersed and separated. If you want to reduce your chances of problems arising from miscommunication, consider the following lean thinking concepts. Let's begin with A3s. These are one page reports written on A3 size paper, roughly 11 by 17 inches. The reports are used to solve a problem or meet a challenge. A fundamental advantage of using an A3 is that it calls for a multi-functional team to work through the steps in the report. This helps bring all related areas together, bring assumptions to the surface, and create an opportunity to discuss them openly. A3 also requires discussions to be based on objective facts and data to avoid opinions and instead focus on what's real. I have worked with teams that work…
