From the course: Improve Communication Using Lean Thinking

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Communication is everyone’s responsibility

Communication is everyone’s responsibility

From the course: Improve Communication Using Lean Thinking

Communication is everyone’s responsibility

- Early in my career as a VP and operations manager, I worked with many traditional lean tools and methods, and implemented them to achieve improvements. Since the methodologies themselves are intended to help bring problems to the surface, in many cases, miscommunication popped up as an underlying problem. It, therefore, became important to look for countermeasures to reduce its impact on our physical processes. If you are working with other humans, I suspect you may be in a similar situation, where misunderstandings can be frustrating and costly, so I suggest you complement your lean journey by including communication in your work. Map out your communication processes, so you can make an invisible process visible. Add communication as a potential cause in your analysis of a problem. And remember, communication is everyone's responsibility. Similarly, show respect. Strive to be clear and avoid creating bad information.…
