From the course: Improve Communication Using Lean Thinking

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Getting it right the first time

Getting it right the first time

- On a scale from one to 10, where 10 is the happiest, how happy would you be if you got things done right the seventh time? How about the fourth time? It could create a lot of frustration and unwanted costs. In the late 1970s, in his book, "Quality is Free", Philip Crosby promoted the idea of zero defects and the phrase, "Do it right the first time." Think of it, time is a scarce resource. Once it's gone, it cannot be recovered. Therefore, we should strive to reduce all waste that might require doing things over, which is also a fundamental principle of lean thinking. Getting things done in a business requires alignment, coordination, and collaboration between interdependent stakeholders all who are customers and suppliers of information. This implies that communication is an important process, especially in today's complex business environment. In fact, in order to get things done right, first, everyone involved has to be…
