From the course: Improve Communication Using Lean Thinking

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Hidden sources of waste in communication

Hidden sources of waste in communication

From the course: Improve Communication Using Lean Thinking

Hidden sources of waste in communication

- Uncontrolled variation is the enemy of quality. It's a phrase attributed to Dr Edwards Deming, known for his work in the field of quality management and a big influence on lean thinking. It means variation goes against lean, which is focused on achieving processes that are stable, repeatable and consistent. So what factors do you think might create uncontrolled variation in the communication process? How about these three? Distance, language and culture? Distance can mean physical separation. In my experience dealing with remote teams, distance affects trust the most. And without trust, getting things done effectively with others can be a real challenge. Have you been on a virtual call with participants you hardly know anything about? I've found that distrust in such cases causes low psychological safety, and people refrain from bringing problems to the surface. And in lean, we want to make sure problems are brought…
