From the course: Improve Communication Using Lean Thinking

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How lean can help you improve communication

How lean can help you improve communication

From the course: Improve Communication Using Lean Thinking

How lean can help you improve communication

- My first job was in a manufacturing plant. My role required international travel to purchase machines, tooling and materials. Having to deal with people from around the globe, exposed the challenges of communication and the problems a small misunderstanding can cause. I recall how a supplier in China provided parts that were much different from what we intended even though we provided physical samples, drawings and specifications. Miscommunication. I've also managed several companies where global operations required daily interactions with people from across the globe, where communication was quite challenging. In fact, it wasn't only physical distance that caused the risk of miscommunication but it was also happening when people were in the same office. This is why I decided to include communication in my lean journey to help find solutions to problems caused by misunderstandings. John Krafcik coined the word lean in…
