From the course: Improve Communication Using Lean Thinking

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Lean daily management and communication

Lean daily management and communication

- Success doesn't necessarily come from breakthrough innovation, but from flawless execution; that's a quote by John Carter, a Harvard Business School professor and a business author. How can you achieve flawless execution? Improve communication. To do that, I believe the front, middle, and top levels of an organization have to be perfectly aligned. A great best practice is lean daily management. So what is it? It's a series of tiered meetings that tie the front lines to the strategic goals of an organization. Daily management helps bring problems to the surface so they can be resolved. Here's one way to structure the meetings but you may make changes in your specific case. In tier 1 meetings, frontline operators meet with their supervisors daily and follow a structured agenda that covers main topics such as safety, quality, and delivery. Issues from the previous 24 hours are the main subject of the meeting. These…
