From the course: Improve Communication Using Lean Thinking

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Mapping an invisible process

Mapping an invisible process

- A key problem with communication is that it is an invisible process. You might see the results of a misunderstanding, but not how it happened. This is where lean thinking and process mapping can help. Think of a process as a series of steps needed to achieve a specific goal. By mapping the process of communication, we can see each step and where issues can occur. Let's begin with two players, Frank, a supplier of a message, and Jenny, a customer for the message. Frank crafts a message that contains an intended meaning A. he conveys the message to Jenny, who interprets the message and converts it to meaning B. If the goal of the process is to achieve a common understanding, this will be true when meaning A and meaning B are the same. Let's color the intersection of their messages in green to show the situation is okay. What does it mean when A and B don't match? There was a misunderstanding. Jenny and Frank are…
