From the course: Improve Communication Using Lean Thinking

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Using Jidoka and the Andon in communication

Using Jidoka and the Andon in communication

From the course: Improve Communication Using Lean Thinking

Using Jidoka and the Andon in communication

- Has your printer ever run out of ink? Or maybe a piece of paper got stuck inside? Most modern printers will start to beep to let you know it needs your attention. In that sense, a machine is communicating that a problem exists. Jidoka is a concept loosely translated as "Automation with the help of humans." The automation is meant to stop a process and communicate that something is not working correctly so that a person can address the issue immediately. Why is this rapid response important? Well, we want the process to get back up and running as soon as possible, but more importantly, we want to identify what caused the problem so we can find countermeasures that will prevent the same problem from repeating, and that is where the real advantage of Jidoka lies. The sooner you attend to the process, the easier it should be to figure out the root cause because it's still fresh, it just happened. Imagine how you might adopt…
