From the course: Improve Communication Using Lean Thinking

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Using PDCA to improve communication

Using PDCA to improve communication

- Lean thinking is about improving continuously. It bases improvement on a scientific method of experimentation called PDCA, or Plan, Do, Check, Act. Generally speaking, you plan an action based on a theory or hypothesis. You do by performing the action. You check by validating results to see whether the hypothesis was correct or it was disproven. Lastly, you adjust your hypothesis for the next cycle of experimentation. Each PDCA cycle is an opportunity to learn at each step and at the conclusion of the experiment. Let me show you how you can apply PDCA to improve your communication. First, I suggest you establish a human connection before communicating to achieve a specific outcome. Talk about things related to hobbies, sports, or movies. This helps build a human-based relationship between customer and supplier. This step reinforces the practice of showing respect with anyone you interact with, which is a…
