From the course: Improve Communication Using Lean Thinking

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Work instructions

Work instructions

- Last week, I put together a set of chairs in my house. One of the instructions for the chairs stated, "Clean with care. Surface is resistant to scratches but not scratch resistant", huh? Kind of confusing, right? You want to avoid any sort of confusion like this when you communicate, especially at work. A work instruction is a common way we communicate how to do something. What can happen when an instruction is ambiguous or vague? Well, each person may interpret how to perform the task differently, and then, results will be inconsistent. At one of my clients, managers were blaming people for not following instructions, when in fact, they were just based on their own individual interpretation of unclear details. Think of an instruction as the recipe of how a task should get done with an expectation that everyone follows the steps the same way every time. In a sense, a work construction becomes a standard, which brings…
