From the course: Inclusive Design

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The different dimensions of diversity

The different dimensions of diversity

From the course: Inclusive Design

The different dimensions of diversity

- When you hear the word diversity, what comes to mind? Diversity is a complex and multifaceted concept that includes many different types of differences among individuals. Understanding and appreciating these differences is essential for creating more inclusive organizations, communities, and societies. By embracing the different dimensions of diversity and creating inclusive environments, we can work towards building a better world for all individuals. Let's consider a few types of diversity that might come into play into your design work. One type of diversity is ability. This refers to the differences that exist among all of us in terms of physical, cognitive, and emotional abilities. This also includes those of us with disabilities and chronic illnesses who often face unique challenges in terms of accessibility and inclusion. Age diversity refers to the differences that exist among individuals in terms of their age group.…
