From the course: Inclusive Mindset

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How power impacts your DEI lens

How power impacts your DEI lens

From the course: Inclusive Mindset

How power impacts your DEI lens

- There's an activity that I use a lot in my work called agree, disagree. I make a statement and ask for folks to go to one side of the room if they agree and the other side if they disagree. One of the statements I use most often is we're all a little bit racist. Most of the time the room is split 90% saying yes, we're a little bit racist, and 10% saying, no, we're not. Usually their decision is based on how they personally define the word racism. Now, I'm not going to ask you to go to one side of the room but I am going to talk about some of the terms in what we call the scale of power and consciousness and how our personal interpretations impact how we collectively understand or misunderstand each other. Here are five terms. Look at them and take a moment to think about the different ways you would define each of them. Are they the same or how are they different? Definitions are ever evolving and often situational,…
