From the course: InDesign: Creating Long Documents
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Creating footnotes - InDesign Tutorial
From the course: InDesign: Creating Long Documents
Creating footnotes
- [Instructor] In this movie, we'll look at the basics of creating footnotes in InDesign. I already have a footnote in the exercise file here, and you'll see it has a reference number in a paragraph, and the corresponding footnote text below. And when you're working with footnotes, the first thing to do is to set up the document footnote options, which you can find in the Type menu. It's important to note that these options will apply to all the footnotes in your document. I wish we had something like a footnote style that we could apply on a case by case basis, but unfortunately, that just doesn't exist in InDesign. Now there are two parts of this dialog box. In the first part, we have the numbering and formatting options for our footnotes. And you can choose a numbering style like Arabic, Roman, or different kinds of symbols or letters here. If you want to use symbols, note that there are only five that InDesign can use,…
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Creating tables of contents (TOCs)7m 34s
Alternative uses for the TOC feature4m 23s
Working with cross-references3m 2s
Creating custom cross-references5m 3s
Creating footnotes4m 54s
Creating endnotes5m 56s
Importing footnotes2m 23s
Importing endnotes2m 6s
Converting endnotes to footnotes2m 58s
Converting footnotes to endnotes1m 59s