From the course: InDesign: Creating Long Documents
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Creating page references - InDesign Tutorial
From the course: InDesign: Creating Long Documents
Creating page references
- [Instructor] Let's take a look at the options for the different kinds of page references you can have in an InDesign index. In my document here on page 20, I'll zoom in on the section, Sage, Vermont Sage, and Vermont State. I'm going to make a new reference to Sage cheese by selecting that phrase and pressing Command or Control + seven. And in the dialog box under type, instead of current page, I want the reference to cover the entire section, which goes to page 21. One way to do this is to tell InDesign to include all the pages until the next use of a specific style. And I'll choose that. And the style I want is my chapter head one. So I'll choose that from the style menu here. I'll click OK. And in the index panel, under S, I have Sage cheese and I have the page range 20 through 21. And actually let's open that up. I'll double click on the page range, and we'll just talk about the different variations under the…
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