From the course: InDesign: Creating Long Documents

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Generating an index

Generating an index

- Once you've built an Index with topics, references, and cross-references. It's time to format it, and flow it into your document. To set up the formatting for your index, open the Index panel, and then click the Generate Index button. This dialog box has two modes, a simple mode, and a mode with more options. So if you don't see everything you want, click More Options. Starting at the top I can set a title and a paragraph style to format that title with. If I had an existing Index, I could replace it or generate a new one. If this document was part of an InDesign book, I could include all book documents, and I have the option to include Index entries on hidden layers. Next I can choose whether or not my index entries will be Nested or Run-in. If I choose Nested, subtopics will be in their own paragraph under the higher topics, or you can choose Run-in where subtopics are all in the same paragraph and separated by a…
