From the course: Introduction to Alteryx

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Get familiar with the Formula tool

Get familiar with the Formula tool - Alteryx Tutorial

From the course: Introduction to Alteryx

Get familiar with the Formula tool

- [Instructor] After using the select tool to limit the number of fields working within the workflow, let's grab a formula tool from the favorites bar to concatenate the text from the city and state fields to create a unique identifier called location. In order to add this new tool onto the workflow between the select tool and the browse tool, we may need to stretch these tools out a little bit, one direction or another. Remember that the Alteryx canvas space is as large or as small as we need it to be so we can have as many tools as we want. So definitely space them out so you can easily read through the annotations and you can see the connection progress. And with this new formula tool, as we look at the input anchor, we can see the data table as it flows in. We will not be able to see the data table on the output side until we hit the run button. So I'll switch my view back to the input anchor of the formula tool.…
