From the course: Introduction to Data Warehouses

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Dimensional modeling vs. a traditional approach

Dimensional modeling vs. a traditional approach

From the course: Introduction to Data Warehouses

Dimensional modeling vs. a traditional approach

- [Instructor] Do you know why dimensional modeling is more popular than a traditional approach? The short answer is high performance and better usability. Let me explain. Assume that a bank wants to track information about this customer and their accounts. A traditional approach to storing this information would be to create a single table that contains all the customer and account information. The traditional approach will have three basic problems. First, a wider table that is putting all the columns within one table makes it slower. Second, a lot of data becomes redundant. Third, it's difficult to answer questions such as, how many customer does the bank have? How many checking account does the bank have? How many saving accounts does the bank have? By using dimensional bonding, the bank could create separate tables for the following. Customer table contains information about the customer. Example, name, address, age.…
