From the course: Introduction to Data Warehouses

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Star schema

Star schema

- [Instructor] A star schema is a data modeling technique used in data warehousing. It's called a star schema because the diagram of the schema look like a star with one center table, which we call the fact table, surrounded by multiple tables, which we call the dimension table. The fact table contains the data that you want to analyze, and the dimension table provides the context of the data. Let's take a closer look at how a star schema works for an insurance company. Imagine you have a large database of policy information for all of your customers. This database contains information such as policy numbers, the start dates, end dates, policyholder names, address, ages, premiums, and coverage amounts. Now, let's say you want to analyze the data to find out how many policy holders are in each age group and how much premium is being corrected from each age group. To do this analysis, you will need to organize the data into a…
