From the course: Introduction to Graphic Design: Concepts

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The design space

The design space

- [Instructor] In creating a design, one of the first considerations is going to be space. Graphic design is all about space and how it is used in many different ways, from the design as a whole, down to the individual, tiny spaces between letter forms. There's a vocabulary for the different kinds of spaces and this is perhaps something you should start making notes of throughout the course that you can refer to later. We'll start with the design space, sometimes referred to as a surface. That's the area that you have to work with, where your design will actually be used, and that could be many things, a poster, a social media post, a website, or an app, a T-shirt, or even something much larger, like an exhibition stand. Whatever the space is you're working in, it makes sense to divide that up in some way to make it easier to see relationships and proportions within it that will inform your placement of content. Let's take a page just as an example. The first thing you may want to…
