From the course: Introduction to Graphic Design: Concepts

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Understanding character attributes

Understanding character attributes - Photoshop Tutorial

From the course: Introduction to Graphic Design: Concepts

Understanding character attributes

- [Instructor] Okay, for this movie and the movie that follows, I'm actually going to be in Adobe InDesign. Now, that may not be the software that you are using, but the options we're going over in these two movies, you should be able to find those in your graphics package if it's not this particular one. Okay, so what I'm going to do then is just collapse the paragraph panel because we won't be using that just for the moment, we'll collapse that, it's all about the character options here. So, let's go ahead and make some changes to this text here. So if I select this first line here, and first of all, I could choose of course the font family that I'm going. So, the typeface that I'm choosing to use here is Lato or Lato. Tomato, tomato, (chuckling) I don't know, whichever way it is. And the reason I'm choosing it for this particular movie is it has a good bunch of variants in its family or styles as they're referred to here in InDesign. So, you can go ahead and choose your front…
