From the course: Introduction to IT Asset Management (ITAM)

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Now that you have inventoried your assets

Now that you have inventoried your assets

From the course: Introduction to IT Asset Management (ITAM)

Now that you have inventoried your assets

- [Instructor] A few final things to keep in mind. Think about the recycling and disposal of your assets. There are a lot of valuable metals and minerals, as well as poisonous things, inside of laptops. So how you dispose of them becomes really critical. If you're going to be donating them, awesome, but you will need to make sure that all of the data on it is securely removed. And that can go from doing a zero bit wipe, all the way through taking the hard drives out and destroying them physically. Think about your policies for hire, fire, and remote workers. What happens when a new worker shows up? How do we get them the right devices that they need? How do we do this? If we fired somebody, get our devices back and ensure that the critical data on there has not been removed, that's usually working with a variety of departments, including IT and HR. And remote workers, how will we add or remove remote workers and grant them access to our software, and to our data on our network, and…
