From the course: Introduction to IT Asset Management (ITAM)

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Where IT asset managers align in organizations

Where IT asset managers align in organizations

From the course: Introduction to IT Asset Management (ITAM)

Where IT asset managers align in organizations

- [Instructor] Alright, we just finished talking about the difference between a asset manager and procurement, and I want to dig a little deeper into the company hierarchy 'cause it's really important. First thing to understand is buy-in starts at the top. And if you don't get buy-in for whatever software you're going to purchase, hardware you're interested in, things that you want to do to make managing new users, and as people leave the company, easier, it's got to start from the top down. So, it's not only understanding that hierarchy, but who reports to who. So let's take a look. Here we have our CEO and our CEO has a series of directs, CIO, Chief Information Officer, CTO, Chief Technical Officer, who sits over hardware, software decisions, things like that, but has to get those decisions agreed upon by the CFO, the Chief Financial Officer, the person with all the money. Now, how do these different groups roll up and down? Well, finance rolls up to the CFO, that's pretty obvious…
