From the course: Introduction to Songwriting

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Jobs in songwriting

Jobs in songwriting

- [Narrator] When it comes to having a career in songwriting, there are quite a few ways to approach it. Let's start with the most obvious and work our way to some of the less apparent songwriting-related jobs. First and foremost, you can work as a songwriter writing songs for, or if collaboration is part of your process with, other artists to record. Writing songs for recording artists requires a great deal of mastery of your craft, which in my experience only comes from writing many, many, many songs that aren't quite up-to-par, as a way of learning your craft. However, once you get to the point where your material is consistently strong, it opens the door to a variety of songwriting opportunities. Writing as a staff songwriter for a music publisher is an option where there's an organization in place to catalog and pitch your songs, and even pay you a monthly draw. This is more like a loan that you'll be required to pay back from your share of the profits, if and when you begin…
