From the course: Introduction to Video Sound Design

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Historical perspectives

Historical perspectives

- [Instructor] Let's take a look at some historical perspectives of sound. How do we get here, sonically speaking? Film making is a very young medium compared to most other arts and the role sound plays in film and video is still being invented, reinvented, and understood to this day. It's important to know where we came from so we can discuss where we're going. So, we'll start with the silent film era. This is the first period of film making from the 1890s to about the 1930s. It turns out, actually, that silent film was actually not silent. Virtually all films were accompanied by cue sheets suggesting appropriate musical selections for performance during exhibition, so there was people playing pianos and other instruments during the screenings of these films along with a lot of other noise. So, film was never truly a silent artform. The first synchronized film, meaning pre-recorded sound was married and in sync with the film, was The Jazz Singer and The Jazz Singer was in 1927…
