From the course: Inventory Management Foundations

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Going further with inventory management

Going further with inventory management

From the course: Inventory Management Foundations

Going further with inventory management

- Inventory management is the most important aspect for business success. Many companies have suffered significant setbacks by failing to properly control their inventory. Your goal is to have the right amount of inventory in the right place at the right time and you've now learned some methods, tools and systems that will help you to accomplish that. Congratulations on completing your Inventory Management Foundations course. This is an excellent start to understanding inventory control tools and practices. If you're interested in learning more about this discipline here's a couple of suggestions. First and foremost, visit the website for APICS the organization for Supply Chain Management. This group is expanded into operations management and supply chain management over the years but their origins are in inventory management. In fact, the acronym APICS stands for American Production and Inventory Control Society. They…
