From the course: Investment Evaluation
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Opportunity cost - Microsoft Excel Tutorial
From the course: Investment Evaluation
Opportunity cost
- The topic of this video is opportunity cost. Think about that phrase. Yeah, opportunities will cost you something. And maybe you're thinking, this instructor is crazy. Opportunities simply require hard work. Yeah, that's right. Many of them do, and they also require something way more costly, your time. If I can get you to come out with just one key understanding or takeaway from this course, it's this. Your time is the most valuable asset that you have. When you're evaluating what to spend your money on, always keep the idea of time in the forefront. Why? Because you'll have to give up time to achieve your goal or realize the investment that you're putting your money into. Let me give you a simple example of opportunity cost and, before I start, a little disclaimer. I am all in for going to college because I believe it provides more than just an academic education. So let's start with the example. Now imagine 18-year-old me, head full of hair, not a care in the world, and I'm faced…
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Components of an investment3m 5s
Investments and economic capital4m 4s
Types of investments2m 43s
Opportunity cost4m 3s
Time value of money4m 34s
Present, future, and terminal values6m 1s
Challenge 1: Determine present, future, and terminal values1m 24s
Solution 1: Determine present, future, and terminal values4m 20s
Real talk: Investments and opportunity costs5m 29s
Evaluation methods2m 28s