From the course: iOS 17 Development Essential Training

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Key parts of the Xcode interface

Key parts of the Xcode interface

- [Instructor] The Xcode interface is somewhat complicated and can be overwhelming. To make it easier to learn Xcode, I'm going to go over the three parts of the interface and talk about how the interface is generally used. As we go throughout the course and we use specific parts of the interface, we'll talk about those parts in more detail. So I'm going to start by going into full screen mode, and I want to point out the main interface pieces first. At the top of the screen, we have the toolbar and on the left and the right of the toolbar are options to hide the left and right views. The view on the left is called the navigator, and the view on the right is called the inspector. The navigator view allows you to navigate various things, your project, source control, bookmarks, searching items in your code, debugging, et cetera. The main button that we're going to use in this course is the project navigator, which is the…
