From the course: iOS 17 Development Essential Training

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Using list views

Using list views

- [Instructor] With our data model in place, now we're going to put this data inside of a visual object in our content view. So go over to the Content View tab, or grab it from the navigator. So you can go to the Project Navigator, just single click on Content View, and then you should be in this file. I'm going to adjust it just a little bit and refresh the preview. And in here what we're going to do is create something called a navigation stack. A navigation stack allows you to create visual objects that transition between screens, and allow you to go back to the previous screen if you want to. So it places them in a hierarchy called a stack. So in here I'm going to delete the VStack and its padding, and then I'm going to create a navigation stack. So start typing out navigation stack, and then once it's highlighted in the code-hinting, just press Return, and then open up some curly braces. In the navigation stack,…
