From the course: iOS 17: iPhone and iPad Essential Training

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Configure Auto-Lock

Configure Auto-Lock

- [Instructor] In this chapter, we're going to look at some iOS features designed to protect both you and your device. The first feature I want to look at is auto lock. The auto lock feature refers to the iPhone and iPad's default behavior of turning off the screen after a minute or so of inactivity. Now, this is to guard against you accidentally tapping an app icon or dialing a number from the iPhone while it's in your pocket. It also acts as a battery conservation feature. Go to settings, display and brightness, and down towards the bottom, you'll find auto lock. Here you can choose to allow anywhere from 30 seconds to five minutes of inactivity before your device locks the screen. If you're on an iPad, you can choose a two, five, 10, or 15 minute interval. You can also choose never meaning the screen will stay on indefinitely until you lock it yourself with the side button or until it runs out of battery power. Just…
