From the course: iOS Development Tips

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Links in text

Links in text

- [Narrator] In another tip I mentioned Markdown and Xcode 13 being available for formatting in simple strings. This week, I'm going to review some of that and introduce you to the best Markdown buddy you have. Direct URL links. Now I've set up a startup file here in SwiftUI of a VStack and some text. And an image as well. So we're going to now take this and mess with some Markdown Markdown allows you to add formatting directly to the string. So for example, I have this text in the VStack. I can make it italic by just doing hello with two stars around it. And you can see over here, it's actually changed it to italics. Bold works the same way. You just use two stars like that. And now it's bold. There's also some other things you can do with this as well. So I'm going to add text in here and let's just put some quotes in there. And I can do something like this. Using text in SwiftUI, and we can see we got…
