From the course: iOS Development Tips

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Multicolor symbols

Multicolor symbols

- [Instructor] In iOS 14, SF Symbols got multicolor symbols. Let's take a look at them and where you can and can't use them. If you go on the latest version of SF Symbols available on the Apple developer website, you can select the multicolor button on top to show which symbols have multicolor symbols To see all the multicolor symbols, you can select the multicolor selection in the sidebar. Now you can either right-click on the symbol or copy it into the name of the symbol. So you can go into any one of these. Let's just go down here into some of these weather ones. And I'm going to go here to, let's say... More weather ones. I happen to like cloud.sun.fill here. And so I can select it and it changes the background here. You can see it always goes to that blue. But once you do that, you can right-click, you can copy the symbol or copy the name. So I can just go ahead and copy name here, and now it's copied. Now, what…
