From the course: iOS Development Tips

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SF Symbols configuration

SF Symbols configuration

- [Instructor] SF Symbols are a great way to handle images for controls and other UI. However, using them in code may not be as easy as it seems. Now, in the exercise files I coded an auto layout with imageView and a label. I'll assume you know how to use code constraints, but here they are right here on the bottom. And if you don't know anything about these, take a look at the course on programmatic auto layout in the library for some help on this. Vertically, I aligned the imageView to centerY the view. I then vertically aligned the label, the imageView with the center. Horizontally, I did a simple horizontal pin to the leadingMargin and the label five over from the imageView. The trailing of the label is pinned to the trailing super view. Now, I can go ahead and run this and it works great. We get a nice little settings with a dial. But what if I want to change my font and symbol to bigger textStyles. So I'm going to…
