From the course: iOS Development Tips

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The Settings bundle

The Settings bundle

- [Instructor] You'll often want default settings that users can change. iOS provides the settings bundle for storing this information. Let's look at how to use the settings bundle. Download the starter example file. I created a project, which eventually will display a user's default pizza. We'll finish the code to add that pizza. Now for you to add a settings menu, you go to File, New, File. And in the filter you can type S-E-T-T. And you'll see under resources, they'll be something called the settings bundle. You'd probably hit Next, and then save it to the project group. Now I've already set one up for you. So you can just hit Cancel here. Go over to the settings bundle that you find in the navigator, and you'll see there's a file there called Root p list. Under Root p list, there's something called Preference items. If you open that you'll see three items. Those are your controls for your preferences. I'm going to not use the slider here, so I'm gonna right click to the left of…
