From the course: iOS Development Tips

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Xcode 10 storyboard changes

Xcode 10 storyboard changes

From the course: iOS Development Tips

Xcode 10 storyboard changes

- [Instructor] There's been a few changes in the storyboard in Xcode 10. Some might drive you crazy if you don't know how to use them. Some are really cool and will speed up your workflow. Let me show you the two major changes and what they can do. Now I'm using a beta four version of Xcode 10 here. As I'm using a beta, be aware changes from what I'm telling you might happen, but this is gonna give you the basic idea. Download the starter file, which is a blank project with a few media files and colors in the assets folder. Check a previous tip to learn more about the assets folder. Head into the storyboard, and when you see the storyboard, you'll see the library is missing in the bottom here. Instead, we've got a button on the top. Hold down that button and you'll see that you've got two libraries. An objects library and a media library. I'll select the show media library and the library appears. And you could see in here, that I can scroll down and I've got all the different stuff…
