From the course: IoT Foundations: Low-Power Wireless Networking

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Install EnOcean DolphinView

Install EnOcean DolphinView

- [Teacher] In this course, I'm going to use the EnOcean EDK 350 kit and the DolphinView software. You don't have to purchase the kit. But if you want to, here are some steps of how to install DolphinView software. (click) First, search EnOcean on Google. (typing) (click) Then, we go to the EnOcean's website. Then we go to Development Tools. (click) Scroll down to the DolphinView Basic. You may need to register account to download the software. The account is free. It won't cost you anything to register. (click) Keep in mind that the DolphinView software will only run on your Windows machines. Click the file, you just downloaded. And click Run. (click) The Windows user account control dialogue will prompt. But please click yes. Chose I accept agreement. And then, click Next. (click) Next (click) And then we choose the installation folder you want this software to be installed to. Then we click Next. (click) Keep the default options here. And we click Next. (click) And then, we click…
